Don’t go to the expense of hiring your own marketing team. Avoid the costs of recruiting and training staff – Marketing Harmony can be your marketing muscle for hire. This flexible and cost-effective approach allows you to bring in the resources your company needs, when you need them.

Marketing Harmony are your virtual marketing team
Vicky has more than 20 years experience of working in the marketing industry and has managed teams of over 20 including designers, web developers, copywriters and researchers. She has delivered multiple projects on behalf of clients and brings this experience to your business.
All Marketing Harmony staff are recruited, trained and managed by Vicky, leaving you time to focus your time on what you do best – managing your business.
Benefits of using our virtual marketing team:
- No lengthy and time-consuming recruitment of staff
- Reduced costs – no NI, pension or sick pay
- Up-to-date knowledge – all Marketing Harmony associates keep their knowledge up to date – at our expense not yours.
- Independent advice and best practice from other industries are brought to you business
- Marketing is provided when you need it, only pay for what you need.
What we offer:
We can provide the following virtual or in-house services:
- Marketing Strategists/Planners
- Digital Marketeers
- Marketing Assistants
- PR
- Social Media Managers
- PPC/SEO assistants
- Copywriters
- Creative designers
- Web designers
- WordPress designers and administrators
- Market researchers
If you need something that isn’t on the list then this will be resourced for you.
How we work with you:
Our aim is to make the experience of working with us as smooth and effective as possible. To ensure that we meet the clients needs we follow the process below:
- Initial scope of work agreed
- Outline plan developed
- Marketing resource defined
- Resource placed – this can be on a daily, weekly or monthly basis
- Weekly reviews held between Vicky and customer to ensure work is on track
- Monthly reviews
- Invoiced monthly for work undertaken
To arrange a free no-obligation review of your business and discuss your virtual marketing needs please call 01256 910915 or email [email protected].